May 2008
Meidi-ya supermarket in Singapore was like a mini Japan. You could get most things Japanese there. I remember being extremely excited when I saw proper sushi being sold there (then I found out that you could get sushi anywhere in Singapore). 'Natto maki' is my all time favourite. Natto is fermented soy bean. It has a very distinct smell and taste. 

Like I wrote to Orah in May 2008, I miss natto and raw egg on a bowl of steaming rice. Although I can get frozen natto from the local Chinese supermarket (sell by date is a bit suspect), I don't really fancy eating eggs raw here. Probably because it is not a done thing.  In Meidi-ya supermarket, they sold eggs that could be eaten raw. In Japan, so long as you get good quality eggs, they are fine to eat raw. No problem. 

I have perched myself in a little space between the cabinet and the wall, daydreaming about eating eggy natto on rice. A daydream of elsewhere.
25 November 2013

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    About the artist

    I am a visual artist and maker currently based in Winchester, UK. My works look at ideas surrounding the definitions of home and with it the notions of belonging and displacement. The various cultural backdrops I have personally experienced together with the everyday situations and findings, particularly as a woman and mother, are some of the areas where I find inspirations for making my art work. 


    December 2013
    November 2013

