July 2008
We visited Winchester in July 2008. Orah organized a get together for us and one of the dishes she prepared was a salad made of beautiful purple leaves and orange and yellow Nasturtiums she was growing in her allotment. The dish looked dazzling like summer squeezed on to one plate. 

My mother used to grow Nasturtiums. I never knew they were edible. 

I cut up up the photo of 'Orah's Allotment Salad' into tiny little squares and reassembled them. I was not trying to reconstruct the memory but more like making it into something completely different. Now that I am here, I don't need the actual image. It can be pushed back to a place where I can tap in now and again to feel the warmth of that summer day.

04 December 2013

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    About the artist

    I am a visual artist and maker currently based in Winchester, UK. My works look at ideas surrounding the definitions of home and with it the notions of belonging and displacement. The various cultural backdrops I have personally experienced together with the everyday situations and findings, particularly as a woman and mother, are some of the areas where I find inspirations for making my art work. 


    December 2013
    November 2013

